Financial statements for nine months ended 31/3/18 approved
Price Sensitive
Financial statements
for nine months ended 31/3/18 approved
Mediobanca: healthy growth and sustainability
at the heart of the MB business model
Nine-month results deliver best ever results by revenues and profit
Revenues up 9% to €1.8bn, with net interest income up 6% and fees up 14%
GOP up 19% to €813m
Net profit up 11% to €682m
ROTE at 10%
Robust Group franchise developing
Wealth Management: net deposits up €3.2bn in nine months
driven by strengthening of CheBanca! financial advisors’ network (FAs now 203)
and organic growth (appeal of MBPB project, launch of new Cairn products)
Revenues up 16% to €384m, half of which fees (90% of which recurring)
TFAs up 22% to €63bn, net profit €51m, ROAC 12%
Consumer Banking: excellent results as the “new normal”
Revenues up 4% to €744m, net profit up 21% to €240m, ROAC 30%
CIB: fees at their highs (€75m generated in Q3)
due to enhanced client coverage, productivity and diversification;
Improved capital allocation following AIRB adoption, ROAC 15%
HF: A&L optimization process now complete
LCR ratio down to approx. 160% (31/12/17: 190%), net interest loss cut by half
Capital generation capability and asset quality remains high
CET1 up 100 bps to 13.9% (AIRB added 140 bps, RAM acquisition absorbed 30 bps)
Cost of risk down 33 bps to 59 bps
NPLs down to 4.8% of total gross and 2.2% of total net loan books
Coverage ratios up to 56%
Texas ratio 13%