Chairman of the Commettee: Angela Gamba


  • Laura Cioli
  • Valérie Hortefeux
  • Renato Pagliaro
  • Sabrina Pucci

The Appointments Committee consists of five non-executive members, four of whom are independent.

Main duties

The Committee performs advisory and consultation functions for:

  • the parent company’s annual Board assessment;
  • identifying the Board’s optimal quali-quantitative composition and the subsequent check that the Board resulting from the appointment process effectively corresponds with the optimal composition identified;
  • supporting the outgoing Board of Directors in the presentation of the list of directorship candidates
  • proposals of Directors to be co-opted in the event that individual directors leave office, and recommendations for the appointment of the Executive Committee, the CEO and, upon the CEO’s proposal, the General Manager;
  • succession planning for executive Directors and Key Function Holders (heads of the control functions and the Group’s main business areas).

The CEO and General Manager are invited to the meetings.