Appointments Committee
The Appointments Committee supports the Board of Directors in the appointment of the Directors and the outgoing Board’s presentation of the list of directorship candidates. It also performs advisory and consultation functions in the Board assessment process and the definition of succession plans for senior management positions.
Chairman of the Commettee: Angela Gamba
- Laura Cioli
- Valérie Hortefeux
- Renato Pagliaro
- Sabrina Pucci
The Appointments Committee consists of five non-executive members, four of whom are independent.
The Committee performs advisory and consultation functions for:
- the parent company’s annual Board assessment;
- identifying the Board’s optimal quali-quantitative composition and the subsequent check that the Board resulting from the appointment process effectively corresponds with the optimal composition identified;
- supporting the outgoing Board of Directors in the presentation of the list of directorship candidates;
- proposals of Directors to be co-opted in the event that individual directors leave office, and recommendations for the appointment of the Executive Committee, the CEO and, upon the CEO’s proposal, the General Manager;
- succession planning for executive Directors and Key Function Holders (heads of the control functions and the Group’s main business areas).
The CEO and General Manager are invited to the meetings.