Our history
Founded in 1946 to support the Italian post-WWII reconstruction efforts, Mediobanca has always understood the needs of the country, launching the first Italian consumer credit company, the first multichannel digital bank, and now, the first synergies between corporate banking and private banking.
In September our subsidiary Compass Banca took another step forward in the area of innovative payment and credit solutions with the launch of Heylight, an international Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) solution.
In July Mediobanca opened a new office in Frankfurt to focus on providing Corporate & Investment Banking advisory services, with a particular focus on the Mid Corporate segment in Germany.
In January Mediobanca Premier was launched, specializing in wealth management and investments for Italian households. Developed as a result of the repositioning and rebranding of CheBanca!, Mediobanca Premier will give fundamental momentum to the growth of the Wealth Management division.
In November, a strategic partnership between Nexi and Compass in the Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) segment was announced, which will allow Mediobanca’s consumer credit arm to significantly expand distribution of the BNPL solution through the physical POS channel.
In October, Mediobanca completed the acquisition of Arma Partners, an independent financial advisory company which is a European leader in the digital economy sector. The deal is enabling a leading Tech/Digital franchise to be created within the Corporate & Investment Banking sector.
In July, a partnership was signed with Founders Factory, a London-based company builder and early-stage investor to promote innovation in financial services, in synergy with the strategy and expertise of Mediobanca.
In May the 2023-26 Strategic Plan “One Brand-One Culture” was approved, promoting a synergistic approach between the different business divisions, with the ambition to definitively establish Mediobanca as a leader in Wealth Management by leveraging on the Group’s founding values.
In October Compass strengthens its Buy Now Pay Later operations: 19.5% stake acquired in swiss fintech Heidypay and 100% of italian fintech Soisy acquired.
In September Cairn Capital Group Ltd, supported by Mediobanca S.p.A. as its majority shareholder, acquired Bybrook Capital LLP, a specialist distressed credit manager based in London.
The guidelines of the 2019/2023 plan, presented in November 2019, aim for additional development in all business segments, growth in revenue, earnings, shareholder return and the satisfaction of all stakeholders while preserving one of the best risk/return ratios in Europe
In April 2019 Mediobanca Group have established a long-term strategic partnership with Messier & Associés, the top three French Corporate Finance houses with a very large, international and recurrent client base. As part of the deal Mediobanca has acquired a 66% stake in Messier & Associés. Mediobanca strengthens its’ Investment Banking presence in France, third core market after Italy and Spain.
In December Mediobanca has set up Mediobanca Private Banking, the new brand addressing High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs).
The transaction is consistent with the strategy outlined in the 2016-19 plan, one of the priorities of which was the development of Wealth Management and top-end Asset Management services as a driver for growing highly-specialized banking activities, able to provide the Group with a recurring fee-generating, low capital-absorption base.
In November Mediobanca acquired a 69% interest in RAM. Founded in 2007, based in Geneva - Switzerland, RAM is one of Europe’s leading systematic investment managers, offering a range of actively managed and alternative systematic fundamental equity and tactical fixed-income funds to a wide array of institutional and professional investors.
In August the CSR committee has been appointed, the first Group Sustainability Policy and the first Group Sustainability Report have been published.
Mediobanca acquired Barclays’ retail banking business in Italy through the subsidiary Mediobanca Premier (previously Chebanca!). The deal saw Mediobanca Premier double in size, adding scale and strength to the asset management business.
The new strategic plan was presented in November, which foresees speeding up the Group’s strategic repositioning in order to fully capture its value creation potential. Mediobanca has been reorganized into three main divisions: Corporate and Investment Banking, Consumer Banking, and the new Wealth Management division, development of which is now a priority. Full control of Banca Esperia has been acquired.
Mediobanca acquired control of London-based Cairn Capital with the aim of building an Asset Management platform. The deal marked a further step in the international development of Mediobanca.
The strategic plan 2014-2016 was presented in June, under which the bank would exit all existing shareholders’ agreements and sell non-strategic investments in various listed and unlisted companies. The plan also called for further international expansion, the strengthening of the Corporate and Investment Banking division, and for Retail Banking to make a greater contribution to the group’s income.
Mediobanca Premier (previously Chebanca!)was formed, the first native online bank operating on a multichannel distribution model (web, call centre and branches) for retail customers. In its first year Mediobanca Premier received deposits of €5.3 billion and 170 thousand accounts were opened.
The group’s foreign expansion began. The first office to open is in Paris in 2004, followed by Moscow, Luxembourg, Frankfurt, Madrid, New York and London. Since 2013, Mediobanca also has a presence in Turkey with Mediobanca Advisory.
Alberto Nagel and Renato Pagliaro succeeded Vincenzo Maranghi as joint Heads of the Group, launching a business plan that marks a significant change in its model. The business plan introduced a focus on the development of Consumer and Retail Banking, strengthening market operations (placements, M&A, trading in financial instruments), entering the Asset Management business and reducing historic shareholdings. The plan also called for the group to expand internationally.
Banca Esperia, a private bank, was launched through a joint venture with Mediolanum.
The bank’s founder and Honorary President Enrico Cuccia died in June.
Mediobanca leads the rescue of Ferruzzi Group (second Italian private industrial group at the time) burdened by financial debts for more than 30.000 billion lire (around €15 billion).
Mediobanca became one of the key players in the privatisation of Italy’s public companies, including Telecom Italia, Enel, Banca di Roma, and Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL).
Vincenzo Maranghi was nominated Group CEO and remaind in charge until 2003.
Mediobanca was privatised and the three founding banks (Banca Commerciale Italiana, Credito Italiano and Banco di Roma) reduced their collective stake to 25% and a further 25% was reserved to private investors. The banks and companies signed a block shareholders’ agreement to ensure stability and a clear strategic direction.
Silvio Salteri was nominated CEO succeeding Enrico Cuccia who remains BoD Director and is nominated Honorary Chairman in 1988.
Selma was formed, one of the pioneers of leasing in Italy.
Mediobanca led the overhaul of Olivetti, redefining the strategy and financial structure of an industrial group that was part of Italian history.
Reconta was formed, the first Italian auditing firm (sold in 1981).
Compass was founded, pioneer in the Italian consumer credit market. The bank introduced personal lending to Italy and today still offers household financing to help families and individuals achieve their goals and buy assets. Compass became the market leader after acquiring Linea in 2008.
Mediobanca was listed on the stock market. The following year it successfully issued 10,000 shares priced at 12,800 lira each.
Mediobanca was founded to support the reconstruction, development and international expansion of Italy’s industry in the wake of World War II. The driving forces behind the bank’s establishment were Raffaele Mattioli (then Chairman of Banca Commerciale Italiana – BCI) and Enrico Cuccia. Its three founding banks were Banca Commerciale Italiana, Credito Italiano and Banco di Roma – all subsidiaries of IRI, Italy’s former public holding company.