Talent Attraction
Talented people are our future: their insertion in the group and personal and professional growth are considered to be strategic factors for business growth
We search for the most talented people, and to do this we have ongoing co-operations with the best universities in Italy, actively participating in on-campus recruitment drives and giving students and young graduates the opportunity to meet and talk with our managers directly in our offices, to receive guidance and support in their training and professional decisions. In addition to targeted meetings we provide final year university students with the opportunity to finish their training course with real work experience through curricular internships.
We are also active in employer branding initiatives. In 2018, we launched and concluded a new project, continuing on the path started with the analysis of company engagement, called Move Beyond, whose objective was improving internal communication.
In this context, the social networks play an important role from the point of view of communication and the ability to attract talent. We are building our presence on the main channels to make the processes of selecting and attracting talent more efficient: in particular, we have opened a section dedicated to recruiting on LinkedIn, the main social channel dedicated to the world of work.
Italy’s best employers 2021
During the year under review, Mediobanca was voted one of Italy’s best employers 2021, according to Statista, a German digital platform that collects and processes data, information and research in more than 170 economic areas. The survey, which was conducted in the months following lockdown, and was published in the Corriere della Sera, involved a population of approx. 12,000 workers.
Once selected, it is important that people are put in a position to grow to the best of their ability. Among the different tools adopted, the Performance Evaluation is a performance evaluation system based on verification of attainment of the professional, management, personal and company development objectives agreed with their manager at the start of the every year.
The evaluation is based on numerous variables, including: the quality of the skills acquired and performance of the individual, the internal process and learning in the field, mastery of the role, the attitudes and potential of the individual as well as respect for the rules of conduct defined by the group.
Increasing consideration is being devoted as part of the evaluation process to the achievement of environmental, social and governance (ESG) objectives within the individual and business areas of responsibility. These objectives encourage individual conduct which fosters a working environment where diversity is valued, and personal and professional growth respected, in accordance with meritocratic principles.
The career progression process is closely related to the evaluation process. Based on the results achieved and experience acquired, the employees may be offered a new role in the organisation, move to a new contract level or be assigned a new corporate title.