Chairman of parties to Mediobanca shareholders’ agreement
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Chairman of parties to Mediobanca shareholders’ agreement
At a general meeting held today with Angelo Casò in the chair, the parties to the Mediobanca shareholders’ agreement approved the following resolutions:
- to propose to shareholders at the general meeting shortly to be held that the following directors co-opted to the Board during the course of the year be confirmed in their positions: Pier Silvio Berlusconi, Christian Collin, Alessandro Decio, Bruno Ermolli and Vanessa Labérenne; and that Alberto Pecci be appointed as director of Mediobanca, with their terms of office to expire on the same date as the other Board members currently in office.
- to appoint Gilberto Benetton as member of the Steering Committee, which therefore now consists of the following members: Angelo Casò, Tarak Ben Ammar, Gilberto Benetton, Vincent Bolloré, Ennio Doris, Federico Ghizzoni, Giampiero Pesenti, Dieter Rampl and Marco Tronchetti Provera.
Finally, the parties to the agreement authorized transfer of the shares in the Fondiaria-SAI group held on deposit with Mediobanca to an escrow account held with BNP Paribas, as requested by the antitrust authority, with the shares remaining syndicated to the agreement.
20 September 2012