Press release - pursuant to Article 43, Paragraph 1, of Consob Regulation 1999, n° 11971
Price sensitive
Invitation by Mediobanca – Banca di Credito Finanziario S.p.A. to tender Fresh 2003 Preferred Securities issued by MPS Capital Trust II and guaranteed by Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. (the “Tender Offer”), in accordance with the Documento di Offerta approved by CONSOB with resolution n° 17797 on 26 May 2011 and published on 30 May 2011 and the Tender Offer Memorandum dated 30 May 2011.
Increase of Purchase Price to € 1.6400 for each €3.28 liquidation preference amount of Preferred Securities, equal to 50% of its nominal value