CheBanca! BoD’ Meeting Financial statements for six months ended 31 Dec. 2018 approved

TFAs up to over €23bn (up 3.2% in the six months)
Significant net new money (“NNM”) with all components growing,
up €1bn in six months and €0.4bn for the quarter,
despite highly uncertain and volatile scenario
43K new clients acquired, 25K of whom in 2Q
Revenues and gross profit increasing

Network enhancement continues (proprietary and FAs)
Relationship managers now totalling 418 (vs 409 last year), responsible for over €21bn in TFAs
FAs up from 157 at end-December 2017 to 288, based at 59 POS, now responsible for over €2bn in TFAs

Volumes and customers growing
TFAs now total €23.3bn, with €1bn in NNM for the six months,
€0.4bn of which in 2Q, consisting entirely of AUM/AUA
Customer loans €8.4bn, with €0.8bn in new loans
43K new clients acquired (for a total of 837K), more than 40% through digital channels

Revenues and gross profit showing solid improvement
Revenues up 2% Y.o.Y.  to €146m, well diversified between net interest income (€104m) and fees (€42m, up 13% Y.o.Y.)
Costs broadly stable at €115m (up 1% Y.o.Y.) despite network enhancement and expansion in operations
Gross profit up 11% Y.o.Y. to €23m