Annual General Meeting (ordinary and extraordinary business), 28 October 2021
Price Sensitive
Mediobanca hereby gives notice that it has received today, from shareholder Delfin, owner of 167,661,539 ordinary shares, equal to 18.896% of the share capital, a request for a further item to be added to the agenda as extraordinary business at the Annual General Meeting on 28 October 2021, pursuant to Article 126-bis of Italian Legislative Decree 58/98, as follows:
“Amendments to Article 15, paragraphs 4, 9, and 15, to Article 18, paragraph 4, and to Article 23, paragraph 3, of the Articles of Association; related and subsequent resolutions”.
The proposals involve deletion of the statutory provisions regarding the presence of members of the Group’s management on the Board of Directors, and the increase in the number of Directors reserved to appointment from minority lists, along with a related amendment to the mechanism for appointing the Board of Directors.
A Board meeting will be called in the next few days to adopt the relevant resolutions.
Milan, 28 September 2021