Stock option awards to Mediobanca Group staff

Price sensitive

As required by Article 84-bis of Consob resolution no. 11971/99 (Regulations for Issuers), notice is hereby given that on 2 August 2010, as part of the key staff remuneration and retention policy a total of 16.360.000 stock options were awarded to Group staff members under schemes adopted by shareholders in general meeting on 27 October 2007, of which 950.000 to Board members and 15.410.000 to staff based in Italy and elsewhere (cf.table attached). The award price, which is equal to the average stock market price for Mediobanca shares in the month of July, is € 6,537 per share. The features of the instruments awarded are the same as those described in the press release issued on 10 October 2007, and available at The options have a three-year vesting period, and may be exercised in the five years subsequent to expiry of the vesting period.

4 August 2010