Financial statements for nine months ended 31/3/17 approved
Financial statements for nine months ended 31/3/17 approved
Mediobanca Group business model reshaping process continues,
refocusing on highly-specialized and profitable banking activities,
with revenues, profits and ROAC up in all divisions
9M performance reflects 9% growth in revenues to €1,657m (highest ever),
net profit of €614m (up 39% Y.o.Y.), and
ROTE of 10%
3M results show revenues of €584m, up 7% Q.o.Q., and
net profit of €196m (up 33% Q.o.Q.)
Cost of risk down to 92 bps (33 bps lower),
with coverage ratios higher; Texas ratio 15%
Capital ratios improving strongly: CET 13.1%, total capital 16.8%
Highest values since Basel III adopted,
achieved solely through organic growth,
with recent acquisitions/deductions all expensed,
and calculating RWAs using standard method
Strong growth posted by Wealth Management division
Integration of four recently-acquired companies ongoing
TFA up 25% Y.o.Y. to €52bn
AUM/AUA up €1.5bn in Q3