Integrated Governance Index (IGI) 2020
The results of the Integrated Governance Index (IGI) 2020 developed by ETicaNews were published at the ESG Business Conference. Mediobanca climbs the ranking and enters the top ten of the panel of the top 100 listed companies and the top 50 unlisted and industrial companies.
The IGI is a quantitative index that indicates the positioning of companies in relation to key sustainability aspects, such as the presence or absence of a sustainability committee, the existence of a remuneration policy linked to Esg parameters or diversity within the board.
The Index photographs the progress in the governance of sustainability of the Mediobanca Group which has structured its sustainability pathway by adopting an integrated strategy, which can combine growth in business and financial solidity with social and environmental sustainability, creating value over the long term. The sustainability objectives have been included in strategic plan 2019-23 as proof of the commitment to incorporating CSR into the Group’s industrial and financial strategies.