Mediobanca EGM : Changes to Articles of Association: only Mediobanca BoD proposal put to the vote

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Following the statement released by Delfin on 8 October 2021, Mediobanca hereby gives notice that at the Annual General Meeting to take place on 28 October 2021, for item no. 3 on the agenda as extraordinary business (“Amendments to Article 15, paragraphs 4, 9, and 15, to Article 18, paragraph 4, and to Article 23, paragraph 3, of the Articles of Association; ensuing and consequent resolutions”), only the proposal made by the Board of Directors of Mediobanca on 8 October 2021 will now be put to the vote (see the document drawn up in accordance with Article 126-bis, paragraph 4, of the Italian Finance Act available to the general public at (section Governance/General Meetings/General Meeting 2021) and
The proxy voting forms have been amended accordingly, with item no. 3 of the extraordinary business on the agenda now containing just the one proposed resolution.

Milan, 11 October 2021