Career: |
- 1981-1982 - Manufacturers Hanover Trust (currently JPM), New York. 18-month management training programme covering banking procedures, credit, legal and bank management.
- 1982-1986 - Assistant Vice President at MHT’s newly opened Italian branch, responsible for corporate and banking customers in relation to corporate lending and risk management activities (Treasury, Enel, Finmeccanica, Comit, Mediobanca, and Pirelli).
- 1986-1989 - Managing Director of Paribas Finanziaria and Managing Director of Paribas Group, based in Milan, responsible for corporate banking and merchant banking activities in Italy.
- 1989-1998 - Managing Director in charge of Lehman Brothers’ investment banking and merchant banking activities in Italy, based in Milan. Managing Director of Lehman Brothers SIM, with more than 100 employees, which, in addition to investment banking, operated on the stock and bond markets.
- 1998-2006 - Managing Director of Lehman Brothers and EMEA Manager for Mergers & Acquisitions and Corporate Finance, based in London with a team of over 200 people.
- 2006-2008 - Vice Chairman of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (listed parent company) and responsible for EMEA for the Private Equity, Merchant Banking, and Alternative Investments division (EUR 10B AuM in Europe), separate from the Group's investment banking activities. Member of the Lehman Brothers Europe Operational Committee overseeing all assets and risks, member of the Lehman Brothers Group Investment Committee (9 members, 2 of which European) responsible for approving all of the Group's investments in unlisted assets in merchant banking, real estate and credit.
- 2010-2021 - member of the Board of Directors and Risk Committee of Marex Spectron Ltd. UK, a global leader in brokerage and trading of commodities and financial products (30% owned by Trilantic funds).
- 2008 to present - Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Trilantic Europe, a private equity fund management company authorised and regulated by the FCA and the supervisory authorities of Luxembourg and Guernsey (EUR 1.4B AuM).
In relation to Mergers & Acquisitions, Vittorio Pignatti acted as an advisor in many of the largest banking transactions in Italy, including: privatisation of Banca Commerciale Italiana and the subsequent mergers that created the current Banca Intesa; acquisition of Fondiaria by SAI; creation of Casse del Tirreno and subsequent sale to Banca Popolare di Lodi; Cariplo Banco Ambrosiano merger, and, abroad, the merger of Hypo and Vereinsbank; as well as the privatisation of BAWAG and several others.
As part of asset management activities in Italy, Vittorio Pignatti participated in the creation and initial management of one of the first Italian retail asset management companies, Finanza e Futuro (25% owned by Lehman Brothers), which was subsequently listed on the stock exchange before being acquired by Deutsche Bank. More recently, he helped establish and served on the boards of directors of F2i and Fimit, leading Italian fund managers in infrastructure and real estate, respectively. Internationally, he was responsible for the creation, management, and placement of European private equity, real estate, and credit funds.
Degree in Economics and Mathematics (BA with Honours) in 1977 from the University of Sussex, UK.
Master’s degree in economics from Columbia University (MA) 1979 New York, New York, USA.
Other information to be noted
Compulsory military service of lever carried out at the Fire Department and the Ministry of the Interior.